PhenoTec Research Service & Consulting

Chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection

Chronic lung infection with the bacterium Pseudomonas is often resistant to the treatment with antibiotics. Therefore complementary therapeutic approaches may be required.
PhenoTec is involved in elucidating the mechanisms of chronic bioflim lung infection and tests novel drug to inhibit control and clear infection.

Investigation on the intestinal microbial flora on the inflammatory response

The commensal bacteria in the gut are a critical component of the homeostasis of our body. PhenoTec in collaboration with CNRS is involved in investigations on the role of the gut microflora on the intestinal homeostasis and inflammation. PhenoTec uses its germfree mice for these investigations which can be used to test the effect of novel therapies and probiotics.

Model of human and mouse tumors

There is steady increase of tumor incidence causing suffering and death. The therapeutic control of tumor growth is a major challenge.
PhenoTec has developed experimental models of local and metastatic tumor growth to investigate novel chemotherapies.